
Spotify Free VS Premium Comparison

As a popular streaming music service, Spotify offers 3 subscriptions plans: Free($0/month), Premium($10.99/month) and Premium for Family($16.99 per month) . This article will show you the differences between them.

With Spotify Free, you can listen to your favorite artists, discover new music or create playlists without paying anything, but you will hear ads between tracks and you can’t save tracks for offline listening. And on mobiles devices, you can only choose SHUFFLE PLAY, which means you can’t stream specific songs on demand. Besides, sometimes you'll hear a mix of similar tracks from other artists to what you're playing.

With a Premium account, you won’t get ads or any limitations, no matter what device you’re using. You can also access special features such as high quality sound, offline listening, and Spotify Connect.

With Premium for Family, you and up to 5 members of the same household can each enjoy their own Premium account. All for one discounted price.

Here is a side-by-side comparison.

Free Premium Premium for Family
Access to over 30 million songs. Yes Yes Yes
Access to podcasts and videos. Yes Yes Yes
Travel abroad with your music. For up to 14 days. Yes Yes
On demand mobile access. Yes Yes
No ad interruption. Yes Yes
Listen offline. Yes Yes
Up to 6 Premium accounts under one cost. Yes
Quality 96 kbps for mobile, 160 kbps for desktop and web player 'standard quality' and 'high quality' on mobile. 320 kbps 'high quality' on desktop and 'extreme quality' on mobile. 320 kbps 'high quality' on desktop and 'extreme quality' on mobile.

Related: How to get Spotify premium for free?

Although you can download songs with a Premium or Premium for Family, you can't play them anywhere you want since they are DRM protected. The songs can only be played within Spotify app. Is there any way to download Spofity songs to DRM free format, such as MP3? The answer is yes. With Ondesoft Spotify Music Converter , you can easily download Spotify music as DRM-free MP3 , M4A, WAV or FLAC with free, premium or Premium for Family account. Here we will show you how to use it.

1. Run Ondesoft Spotify Converter

Download, install and run Ondesoft Spotify Music Converter on your Mac/Windows.

spotify converter

2. Select Spotify songs, albums or playlists or copy link.

Browse songs, albums or playlists you want to download from the built-in Spotify web player. Click the Add to list button to load all songs in the album or playlist, uncheck the songs you don’t want to download if there are any.

drag&drop spotify songs

3. Choose output format

The default output format is MP3. Ondesoft Spotify Converter also supports M4A, WAV, FLAC. Click Option button to change output format or output folder if you need. You can also change bitrate, samplerate according to your needs.

spotify song format

4. Click Convert button

Click Convert button to start recording Spotify music to the format you choose.

remove Spotify DRM

After conversion, click below folder icon to quickly locate the DRM-free Spotify song. You can then transfer and play it anywhere.

Spotify DRM free

Spotify Converter

Spotify Converter
Download Spotify music to MP3, M4A, etc. with either free or premium account.